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The Armour Geddon Cheats

The Armour - Geddon

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Esc       = H.Q Screen
Shift-Esc = Self Destruct

F1  = Vehicle 1           1 = Beacon 1        
F2  = Vehicle 2           2 = Beacon 2        
F3  = Vehicle 3           3 = Beacon 3        
F4  = Vehicle 4           4 = Beacon 4        
F5  = Vehicle 5           5 = Beacon 5        
F6  = Vehicle 6           6 = Beacon 6        
F7  = Vehicle -           7 = Waypoint Beacon 
F8  = Radar Reset         8 = Base Beacon     
F9  = Radar Zoom Out
F10 = Radar Zoom In

- = Throttle Down          Del   = Brake              
+ = Throttle Up            Enter = Fire               
                           Space = Yoke/Cursor Toggle 

TAB  = Raise Gun Turret
Q    = Payload 1
A    = Payload 2
Z    = Payload 3
S    = Start/Stop Engine
W    = Weapon View
E    = Emergency Beacon
T    = Target
I    = Camera Left
O    = Camera Right
P    = Pause
[    = Camera Zoom In
]    = Camera Zoom Out
F    = Feul Pod
G    = TelePort
J    = Joystick Mode
K    = Keyboard Mode
L    = Lift
'    = Camera Up
V    = VDU Mode
B    = Brake
N    = NExt Mission
M    = Mouse Mode
,    = Left Rudder
.    = Right Rudder
/    = Camera Down
Alt  = Flare
CAPS = Lower Gun Turret

Ins  (KeyPad)  = Satelite View
Del  (KeyPad)  = External 2
Enter (KeyPad) = External 1

Shift-F12 = Abort Serial Link
Shift-Esc = Self Destruct
Shift-1   = Telepod 1
Shift-2   = Telepod 2
Shift-3   = Telepod 3
Shift-4   = Telepod 4
Shift-5   = Telepod 5
Shift-6   = Telepod 6
Shift-+   = Instant Max Throttle
Shift--   = Instant Max Reverse Throttle
Shift-P   = Pause without Message Pause
Shift-J   = Joystick Control of all Screens and Vehicles
Shift-K   = Keyboard Control of all Screens and Vehicles

Shift-Ins   (KeyPad) = Tower View
Shift-Del   (KeyPad) = Weapon View
Shift-Enter (KeyPad) = External 3

Alt-1 = Fuel Pod 1
Alt-2 = Fuel Pod 2
Alt-3 = Fuel Pod 3
Alt-4 = Fuel Pod 4

Pg-Up = Shield Up
Pg-Dn = Shield Down
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