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Metal & Lace Cheats

Metal & Lace

Instant Money:
At the bar, when Jaimee, a Mecha babe beside the two men, simply
click her beer mug and viola! a message will appear saying "I hate
people putting this stuff on me!" - you'll get an instant cash 
from $ 100 - 500.

More money:
Collect all the money from the bar, including the amount from 
finding and selling the hidden Mech in the floor. Save the game,
quit, and restart. All the money previously taken will re-appear
again. Repeat this procedure to increase your total funds. 

Restore hit points:
Press [Shift] + [F11] + [F12] during game play. 

Naked character:
Select "Lucky Winner" and click on the "C" in the word "Lucky".

Note the posters mounted on the pole at the bar. Click on the posters
in the following pattern: top, bottom, second from the top, second 
from the bottom, and continue until the center poster is clicked.
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