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Whizzball Cheats


No Gaps Puzzle:
Submitted by: RM

On the Play Puzzle thingy, pick Difficulty. You might find it in the first 
10 pages. It's called "No Gaps". There are no gaps.

Funnel trick:
Place the funnel (yellow chute object), then take it back. The ball will still 
drop where it was supposed to go. You can use this to trick somebody by placing
a punch thing (will make the ball fly almost across the whole board) or catapult
there (everything else will not work).

Ball passes over puncher:
At the first two squares after the chute, put a puncher thing against the who 
with the back side to the hole. The ball will go right over it.

Extra points:
After you create a game, go back to the main menu and play your game. Win without
using any hints to earn a few extra points.
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