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Tinker Cheats


Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: RM

Unlockables Achievements:
Complete each achievement to get the allotted gamerscore. If you have
an Xbox 360 gamertag, you can log in using this same gamertag and the
achievements will count toward it.

Unlockable                  How to Unlock
A Strong Start (10)       - Conquer the Tutorial Set.
Close Call (10)           - Beat a level on your last step.
Dance Tinker, Dance! (10) - Make Tinker dance!
Determination (15)        - Conquer three Sets.
Endurance (10)            - Conquer two Sets.
Knowledge Is Power (10)   - Learn the ropes.
Mastermind (20)           - Complete all levels.
Over The Hill (15)        - Complete the majority of the levels.
Perfection Achieved (25)  - Conquer everything.
Resilience (20)           - Conquer five Sets.
Robot Controller (10)     - Become comfortable with controlling Tinker.
Robot Master (15)         - Meld your mind with that of Tinker's.
Smack My Switch Up (10)   - Step 1: Switch goes left.
                            Step 2: Switch goes right.
                            Step 3: Profit!
Speedy Robot (10)         - Beat a few levels with a time well below par.
Stamina (10)              - Conquer one Set.
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