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Settlers 4 Cheats

Settlers 4

Cheat Codes:
Update by: Dj Simo
Submitted by: nightraider

Enter '!wqsa' during game play to enable cheat mode.
Then, enter one of the following codes.

Result              Code 
Win current level - !win 
Lose level        - !lose
More resources    - !incr 

Advance time:
Press [F12] to advance time by one minute. 

Submitted: ToxicBoy

The enemy will do battle whit you in about 50 min.

Modifying Config Files:
In the Settlers 4 CONFIG folder, there is a file called "magic.cfg". You
can edit this file to change values in the game. Please note that these 
changes also affect your enemies in the same way. Always make a backup 
before editing any system files.

Submitted: tom

I was looking for a cheat for settlers 4, and well all that i found didn't 
seem to work so decided to try an old cheat from settlers 3 and it worked, 
here it is:-  

Press [F12] on your keyboard and one minute will have elapsed (Gone)
For all players.

This is really good when you have lots of buildings to complete building or
if you want your troops to get to there desination quicker.
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