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Myth 3 The Wolf Age Cheats

Myth 3 - The Wolf Age

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: nightraider

After playing Myth III through fairly good, I discovered that old
cheat codes still work in this game. So, if you want to get access
to all maps then holding "Shift" button down, click on "New Game".

Instant win:
If you want to win the mission then you can hold down simultaneously
three buttons: "Ctrl"+"Alt" and "+" on the NumPad, but if you want to
lose the mission then you should do all the same but with "-" of the 

Hint Archers:
Submitted by: kim troung/north-cote high

Your archer is use full and also dangeos so let them stand in spread
line and your beserk, or warrior stand behind then scout for your enemy,
lure them to your troop and use fire arrow then when they get closed 
press space bar on all your archer then send out your close hand combat.
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